Thursday, November 27, 2008


Olivia is now officially destro... ahem ... I mean walking. She has actually been attempting to walk for several months now, but finally she has the confidence to walk mostly. I love it when babies first learn to walk. They are such sweet milestones. I was so proud of myself too because I took actual home video footage of her taking some of her first steps and I went to upload it onto the computer (so I could blog it!) but guess what.... I need to purchase new software because we switched over to Vista and the old drivers are not compatible. RRRGG. So I have cute Livy footage on the camera and someday hope to get it onto the computer, but for now still photos will have to do.

I just thought I would include some other photos of Livy so I can try to explain some of her little quirks.

She is a HAM. If you are taking a picture she will smile for you before she goes in for the attack. This, by the way, is her interpretation of a smile - raised eyebrows and a crazy mouth! Hilarious.

Olivia loves to attack the camera. If she sees you taking a picture she runs to you as fast as her little legs can carry her. She will then proceed to jump on your lap, grab for the camera and if she is successful she will eat it.

She is also in love with herself. She loves to carry this mirror around with her and give herself kisses. Of course I don't blame her. I am in love with her too!


Anonymous said...

That's so cute! What a little doll. I want to give her some kisses of my own!

Duane and Jan Gibbons Family said...

I love the mirror picture. I wish she were here chasing around Maddox and Cooper!

Anonymous said...

Awe too cute! I miss you guys!