This morning I was busy in the kitchen with the Turkey and its sides when I saw the kids doing this.... Of course they were having fun, enjoying each other. Spinning around and wrestling. So I didn't say anything. Besides, Dan was sitting right there showing them more appropriate wrestling moves for the most damage.
Not long after I took these pictures I was peacefully cooking when I heard crazy screaming. I go in and sure enough Ethan managed to get hurt (It is always Ethan). Thankfully, It was nothing too major but I was worried we were going to be spending on Thanksgiving dinner in the ER.
The saying "It's all
fun and games until someone loses an eye" has a whole new meaning in our house now!
Poor guy! It DOES seem like he always gets hurt. Oh well - black eyes are COOL!!! Love you Ethan!
And that's gonna be REALLY cool by the time school starts up again on Monday!
nice eye. It is amazing how they get hurt. Bryar got a nice black and blue ear on thanksgiving too. Only she tends to not need any help.
Too funny! Haha! Wish I could have seen them enjoying being so crazy!
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